
History of growth


2 milion tons
of char produced

Production and sale of electrical energy is launched in Kostrzyn

Polchar steps up exploration into plants outside Europe and into related business opportunities in Poland

2 new lines are added in Kostrzyn
making the total nominal capacity  p.a. in Poland

  Char Steam
Police 100.000 tons 900.000 GJ
Kostrzyn 125.000 tons 1.100.000 GJ
Total 225.000 tons 2.000.000 GJ

3 new lines of 75.000 tons of char p.a.start operation in Kostrzyn, Poland as well as sale of heat energy (steam)

1 million tons of char is produced

2 additional production lines are commissioned at the Police Plant

2 production lines are established with nominal capacity of 50.000 tons of char p.a., as well as sale of heat energy (steam)

Polchar Sp. z o.o. is founded in Poland